Monday, May 12, 2008

Well the IP decided to continue the cycle and retrieval was on Weds. They were able to get 25 good eggs -yay.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Well my fourth cycle is well under way and unfortunately I have neglected this blog for quite some time. This cycle was a back to back cycle and I can say that I was not looking forward to it. I had commited to the agency around 5 months ago to do this cycle and I decided to move forward because I had given my word, although my body and my husband have been screaming for a break. I just kept telling myself "only a couple more months, whats a couple months when I am helping a couple have a baby?"

So fast forward. The cycle has been going well I started Lupron - 10 units, Dexamethasone, BC, Aspirin, and Vitamins on Monday April 14th.

Then stims started on Sunday April 27th: Lupron was down to 5 units, Repornex @ 2 vials, and Follistim 50 units.

On April 30th I had my screening and was told to hold off on lupron that day as my E2 level was 600

May first I took 1 vial of Repornex, 25 units of Follistim and 5 units on Lupron.

On May 2nd (Friday) I went back to the clinic for monitoring was told some terrible news. The IM decided to cancel the cycle!! I couldn't believe it!!! Here I am with 40+ follicles around 10.5-12.5 in size and no idea what to do.
The Agency spoke with me a little and told me I could complete the cycle and they would cover my compensation (otherwise I would be left with close to nothing and miserably full) or ? I was pretty upset, after all how could they let this happen? I am kicking myself and very angry at the lawyer since I have no idea what is now covered and what to do. I left feeling a bit scared and very confused - after a couple hours I came up with more questions but since it is Friday the agency is closed and the donor nurses are not in to help me answer them. At least the blood work came back well as far as E2 levels. I am still taking Repornex 1, Follistim 25 and Lupron 5

Fastward to today Sunday, May 3rd. I was hoping my monitoring visit would help to anwser some questions (since I can see a doctor) instead it has only left me with more. I asked what my options were should I choose to cancel the cycle (I don't like the idea that they will split my eggs up and give them to multiple couples...remember I agreed to donate to one couple - who then has the right to do whatever with their eggs)
The Dr. told me that the clinic would trigger me and then put me on BCPs so I would shed the follicles. Who knows how I would feel, but should I cancel they would not retrieve to aspirate the follicles. My other option would be to complete the cycle and the clinic would get the eggs and divvy them up. The agency says they can match the eggs to other IPs but I am confused as to who owns them and are they then making money off them? Or are they donating them? It is so confusing because then I would still sign contracts with IPs. I want to cry at this point - I feel pigeon holed. My e2 levels are good though and are at 3104. Same Rep, Lup, and Follistim amounts.

Tomorrow is more monitoring and hopefully I can talk to the agency. Retrival is soon so I feel like I am racing against the clock to sort this mess out.

Anyhow I will keep this blog updated.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Denver Cycle

My third cycle is underway and taking place in Denver Colorado. I started stim meds on Sunday February 10th. My daily dose has been as follows;

75 Repornex in the mornings (1 vial)
75 Gonal (similar to Follistim) each evening
10 units of Lupron each evening
1 Dex tablet

My first monitoring was done at OCRM on the 8th of Feb. They counted 13 follicles on the right and 15+ on the left.
On Wednesday the 13th (3 days since stims) I went in for another ultrasound at OCRM and they counted 15/13 follicles at around 7.5 in size.

We left Washington on the 14th and flew into Denver to make my Feb 15th, 8am appointment with the CCRM clinic.
Today (Feb. 15th) They saw 20+ follicles on one side and 13 on the other. The follicles measured around 10mm. I also had blood work taken. Later on Julie the Donor nurse called me back to tell me to continue with my dosage and come in on Sunday the 17th for my next appointment.

My prediction will be that the follicles should be around 14mm on the 17th;). If that is correct retrival should be on the 21st or the 22nd. I will keep the journal posted!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Tuesday was the retrieval- they were able to get 31 eggs and the couple is now pregnant-yay!

Monday, October 8, 2007


So today I went in for my final blood work and everything looks great. Tomorrow morning is the retrieval...I'll keep this blog posted!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday has came and gone

So today was another early morning visit. Last night the clinic called to tell me to take 50 iu of follistim and 5 Lupron but I was told to hold off on my Repornex as my est. levels were 3500+ at yesterdays bloodwork.

Most of the follicles measured around 15-19mm and I was told today would be my trigger shot.
Later on today I got a call that advised me to take my Repornex (1 vial), Lupron (5m), Pills, but no Follistim. My estrogen has spiked to 5600 and my progesterone was 1.1- which they told me was great considering how many follicles I had.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

On the fast track (Saturday)

Today I woke up early to attend my doctors appointment before work. Sometimes I don't understand the how they can read the ultrasounds with consistency. Yesterday there were approximately 13 follicles on one side and now there are approximately 16 follicles. Hrm, this doesn't seem to make sense. Maybe they just give it their best guess?
Anyhow the measurements today were around 14.5-18mm so it looks like we are pretty close:o)
I had to decrease the Follistim to 50 , and wait to take the 1 Repornex tomorrow until after my appointment. Other then that the Lupron and pills have been the same.

So will it be a Tues or Wed. retrieval? I am hoping for Weds. (or even Monday) because of classes. Whatever the date I am hoping for a good number of high quality eggs (I am going to cross my fingers for 20)!